Requisition Form
Please submit this form to request approval for funding for member related expenses. The Finance Committee accepts requests throughout the year, but review and approval will occur quarterly.
The following guidelines, at a minimum, must be met:
- Reimbursement is a benefit given to dues paying members only and members who participate in fundraising or volunteering.
- Each family may receive up to $1000.00 per year; up to the limit of available funding.
- The purpose of the expenditure must be directly related to the benefit of the member with Down syndrome, parent/guardian and/or sibling of a member with Down syndrome; such as camp fees, fitness fees, convention fees, seminars, educational offerings, etc.
- All expenditures must support our mission — the UPSIDE of Down syndrome.
- The deadline for each review / approval period is: 3/1, 6/1, 9/1, and 12/1. Any requisition forms received after the quarterly deadline will be considered during the next period.
- Reimbursement made to the family requires a receipt of payment.
- The finance committee of CCDSIG would like to remind our members that sometimes funding is available thru a variety of other sources, including, school district, county offices insurance and private sources. Please utilize these sources of funding whenever available to insure the CCDSIG reimbursement fund remains available well into the future. Thank you!!
Please submit to the Board by the following deadlines: March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.
You can also download a PDF version of the requisition form.